English National Opera
Keep on trucking
The relationship between Urban Space Management and English National Opera (then still called Sadlers Wells Opera Company) dates back to 1967. The contact between the people at Urban Space Management and ENO encouraged the transport team at ENO to look for help when their lorry park was sold off.
Fortunately at that time there was space at Trinity Buoy Wharf for the lorries to be parked here. From this toe -in -the - water start ENO departments took more space at Trinity Buoy Wharf.

First they moved into the General Stores building where they set up their lighting department. The next step was to bring part of the costume store to the Fitting Shop.

ENO now has a state of the art collection of workshops within the 1950’s Fitting Shop where they can carry out glass fibre work, wood work, paint spraying, sewing, electrical wiring just about anything that would be required to make stage props and scenery.