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Competition: Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2020

11 May 2020

"Trinity Buoy Wharf in London is accepting entries from architects to its annual working drawing contest, which features a £2,000 prize

The Trinity Buoy Wharf Working Drawing Award will be judged by Science Museum director Ian Blatchford, V&A Dundee programme director Sophie McKinlay, Piers Gough of CZWG and engineer and urban designer Alan Baxter.

The £2,000 prize for the best working drawing is one of several which will be awarded as part of the wider Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2020. The is the first year that the annual awards programme, which has been running for 25 years and has a £17,000 total prize fund, will have a dedicated selection panel and its own display within the exhibition.

According to the brief: ‘The working drawing award aims to expand and enhance our knowledge and understanding of working drawings – drawings from which something else can or will be made. It is anticipated drawings for design, architecture, engineering, and other disciplines, as well as within art practice, will be submitted for this award and exhibition.

‘Drawings are invited for entry that illustrate and explain an idea as part of a process towards production or construction, or that facilitate the development of an idea, or that form a drawn instruction to a maker. In this anniversary year, we are delighted to announce that the third Trinity Buoy Wharf Working Drawing Award will have a new, dedicated online entry process and expert selection panel.’" Merlin Fulcher Architecs' Journal

Read the full story at Architects' Journal

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